Air and water are the natural resources of the environment. Air is all around us. Human beings, animals and plants need air to live. We cannot see air but can feel it.

Uses of Air:
- It is filled up with balloons and swimming tubes.
- it is filled in the tubes inside the tires.
- It helps to dry clothes.
- It helps to move sailboats and windmills.
- It makes the fire burn.
- It is used for flying kites.
Water is an essential resource. We need water to live and grow. Animals and plants also need water to live and grow. The water can be used for various things such as-
Sources of Water
Rain is the main source of water. Some rainwater fills rivers, ponds, seas and oceans. Some water seeps into the ground which is called Underground water that can be consumed from hand pumps, tube wells and wells.
Answer the following
- Can you see air?
- What is moving air called?
- List three uses of air.
- What is the main source of water?
- Give three uses of water.
- What are the sources of water?
- We cannot see air but can feel it.
- Air is all around.
- Air is used in balloons, swimming tubes, drying clothes, etc.
- We cannot live without water.
- Rain is the main source of water.