
With elapse of time when the position of an object changes to some stationary object like an electric pole, building, then that object is said to be in motion.

class 7 motion


Fast and slow motion

It depends on the distance covered in a time. The object covering a distance in less time becomes fast moving object and an object covering a distance in less time becomes a slow moving object.

Rectilinear motion

When a motion is along a straight line then it is called a motion in a straight line or rectilinear motion.

 Curvilinear motion

When an object moves along a curve line then it is called as curvilinear motion.

Circular motion

When the motion is around a circle, then it is called a circular motion. For example – A cyclist moving around the park.

class 7 motion



In a particular time distance covered by an object is called as speed.

Distance = Speed*Time

Uniform speed

When the distance covered in each number of units is fixed then that motion is said to be uniform speed or uniform motion.

Non-Uniform speed

When the distance covered in each number of units is not fixed then that motion is said to be Non-uniform speed or Non-uniform motion.

Oscillatory motion

When after each fixed interval of time, the motion of the object repeats then the motion is called as oscillatory motion or periodic motion.

A pendulum is an example of such motion. One oscillation is completed when a pendulum starts from one end and comes back to the origin.

Time period means the time taken by the pendulum to complete one oscillation.

class 7 motion


Unit of time

Seconds is the unit to measure time and is denoted by ‘S’.

  • 60 seconds = 1 minute
  • 60 minutes = 1 hour
  • 24 hours = 1 day
  • 7 days = 1 week
  • 365 weeks = 1 year


Unit of speed

Meter/minute (m/min) or meter/second (m/s) is the unit of speed.

The speed of a vehicle is calculated by a device called speedometer.


  • With elapse of time when the position of an object changes to some stationary object like an electric pole, building, then that object is said to be in motion.
  • There are two types of motion-

   - Slow motion

   - Fast motion

  • When an object moves along a curve line then it is called as curvilinear motion.
  • In a particular time distance covered by an object is called as speed.
  • When after each fixed interval of time, the motion of the object repeats then the motion is called as oscillatory motion or periodic motion.
  • Seconds is the unit to measure time and is denoted by ‘S’.
  • Meter/minute (m/min) or meter/second (m/s) is the unit of speed.