When energy is produced through a biological process with the utilization of food then that process is known as Respiration. For the survival and existence of living beings Respiration is necessary. Without respiration, survival is not possible for even a second.

Energy is produced by respiration when carbohydrate is oxidized.

Carbohydrate + Oxygen /Carbon dioxide + Water + Energy

Site of Respiration

Inside the cells happens Respiration. Due to the happening inside the cells, it is also known as Cellular Respiration. The site of respiration is a cell organelle called as mitochondria.

Types of Respiration

1. Aerobic Respiration

 When there is the presence of oxygen then Aerobic Respiration takes place. The end products   are water and carbon dioxide. This happens in almost all the organisms.


 2. Anaerobic Respiration

It takes place when oxygen is not present. It mostly occurs in microbes. The end products of anaerobic respiration are carbon dioxide and alcohol. Lactic acid is also formed in some cases.



When the air is taken in and given out then that process is called as Breathing. It involves two steps-

  • Inhalation
  • Exhalation

In inhalation, air is taken in and it is rich in oxygen whereas in exhalation air is breathe out and it is rich in carbon dioxide.

Rate of Breathing

The rate of breathing is quite normal when we are engaged in the normal activities. It gets increased during stress full physical works like swimming, jogging, running, etc. and decreases while we are sleeping or taking rest.

Process of Breathing

The movement of diaphragm controls breathing. Between chest and abdomen, there is a membrane which is called as a diaphragm.

When the diaphragm moves down it causes the expansion of ribcage which also creates the expansion of the lungs. Due to this air enters the lungs. This whole process is called as inhalation or inspiration.

When the diaphragm moves contraction of ribcage takes place which also contracts lungs and air moves out. This process is called as exhalation or expiration.

 Breathing in other Animals

Some animals which have belongingness to aves, amphibia, mammalian and reptilian use their lungs to breathe.

Amphibians use their skin for breathing while they are in the water.

 Breathing in Fish

There is a pair of grills with fish which helps them in the process of breathing inside the water.

Breathing in Plants

There are various sizes of plants. So respiratory organs cannot be developed as the growth is unlimited. There is an external layer of cells through which plants breathe. Root hair helps roots to breathe and epidermis helps stems to breathe. Leaves use small pores known as stomata for breathing.


  • When energy is produced through a biological process with the utilization of food then that process is known as Respiration.
  • Without respiration, survival is not possible for even a second.
  • The site of respiration is a cell organelle called as mitochondria.
  • Aerobic and anaerobic are the two types of respiration.
  • When the air is taken in and given out then that process is called as Breathing.
  • The movement of diaphragm controls breathing.