
We all have that inclination towards watercolours and we all have used watercolours since we were kids. Haven’t we? So, let’s get to know a little more about these watercolours.

Water Colour medium is nothing but different sorts of liquids or gels that can be added to the watercolour paint to make it look a lot more pretty and glossy. Along with that, the whole thing is a lot transparent, textured and transparent. They are versatile and are used in acrylics and oil.

If you are someone who is new to the world of painting, then it is better to know about the watercolours before you proceed with your painting skills. All you need to do is mix the colour with the watercolour paint and you can experience a number of a different range of effects.

Here are some of the interesting textures that you can know of from top to bottom.



Alcohol –

    1. Take the area that you have painted out with watercolours and dip some alcohol on it. You can see the paint will separate from the area that is dripped into alcohol. Let the paint dry properly and then you can see a dark and crisp side of the edges that come out.

Salt –

    1. To create a sandy mixture, all you need to do is sprinkle some salt on it. More the paint to spread out in an even manner, leave the salt as it is. However, this works best with the other dry areas.

Blotting/Lifting –

    1. Blot the painted areas as soon as the painted are dried off. You can use it to create texture or make to back as it was. For the purpose, you can use a dry brush to take the paint off that area.

Stencils/Erasing –

    1. When the area that is painted is semi-dry, what you can do is, you can use a paper or anything that is plastic to wipe off the paint that is not in shape. You can also use tape like papers for the purpose. Make sure the sticky side is on the top so that you can touch it and adjust it as per your need.

Sandpaper –

  1. Use a good and strong watercolour paper to keep the sandpaper. These are one of the toughest to pull off and in order to avoid holes from the paper and get a scratchy effect, using these would just be the cherry on the top.

This is how you can easily create a watercolour texture from the watercolours.



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