Kids love to carry out science experiments and recipes that involve science. How about combining the two of it and bringing out something entirely different like an Oobleck Dance? As fun as it sounds, it is. If you are hearing the word oobleck for the very first time then it is nothing but a mixture of corn-starch and water. It has two forms that are of a liquid and a solid. When you play too fast with it, it acts like a solid and if it is kept to relax it shows its liquid form.
Oobleck can be of any form but it is usually thicker. Here is all that you will need for the experiment.
Two Cups of Corn Starch
One Cup of Water
This is the most important recipe that you need to prepare. Once done, let it settle down. Till then arrange the other ingredients.
Cookie Sheet of Thin Metal
Food Colouring
an MP3 or an audio tone. Play it to test.
Don’t have all the fun alone but also call your friends to extract the fun along with you.