
Unlike the plants that our kids see around us, predator plants are quite different. They are actually carnivore plants that eat insects to live. Your kids are going to be astonished at their first encounter with such plants. Therefore, it will be the best time to introduce them to the predator plants. In the process, they will learn about their behaviours, activities, nutrient requirements, external environment, etc.

Today, we are going to discuss two such plants, namely; Venus Fly Plant and Trumpet Pitcher Plant. In this task, we will observe and keep a record of what are the external factors that are responsible for keeping these plants alive. Secondly, who are its food or prey? And lastly, how they trap or capture the insects.



        1. Venus Fly Trap is a carnivore plant that stays alive by hunting on its prey, insects.
        2. It needs a lot of water throughout the day. So, it’s better you keep the plant on bowl or tray, containing water.
        3. Proper sunlight is also an essential factor. Hence, keep it in proper sunlight, i.e. neither too less nor too bright.
        4. The process of trapping insects is quite simple and can be clearly noticed. As soon as an insect sits or even touch the trigger hairs of the Venus Fly Trap, it immediately shut the traps for around twenty seconds of time, and the insect is trapped inside it. As a result, the insect can’t come out again.

Trumpet Pitcher Plant

      • Just like the Venus Fly Trap, it also eats insects.
      • The external factors responsible for its life is very much same as that of a Venus Fly Trap. It also absorbs a lot of water throughout the day. And this is why you will have to put it in a bowl or tray full of water, just like in the previous case.
      • The right amount of sunlight is again a crucial factor that keeps them healthy and alive.
      • The only thing that differs in this plant from the former one is the way of trapping the insects.
      • Unlike Venus Fly Trap, it traps its prey by attracting them closer towards the tube’s edge. Once the insect is trapped, it then directly goes into the plant’s digestive juice.

      • The main reason why they hunt on insects is that of their habitat. The place where they are mostly found does not have the proper nutrients for them. This is why they eat insects to fulfil their nutrient requirements.
      • Both these plants use their colouration and nectar to attract and trap their prey, i.e. insects.
      • If you don’t find these two plants in your region, you can buy them online. But before buying them, make sure it is allowed in your country. It is restricted to certain countries.
      • You can find many such similar carnivorous plants in your locality too. Just research about some native predator plants of your locality.



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